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Let's Talk About...Play

Ok. When was the last time you went out to play? I don't mean the last time you went out to a play. I mean like when we were kids. We used to go out to play in the morning and come home for dinner. A day of play. Every day.

Neighbor kids would ring the doorbell and ask, "Can Joey come out to play?" When was the last time a friend of yours called to ask you to come out to play? I bet it has been a long time.

"Play" has taken on a whole new meaning as an adult. Swimming or skiing used to be "play." Now it is a "sport" or, dare I say, "exercise." "Play" used to be "fun." Is it still?

So, play along with me.

Some people play the piano or play cards or play on their phone. Is that really play?

We have all gone to a play and some of us have been in a play. But is that really play?

We have all played games like Monopoly or pinochle. I play mahjong every week.

If games are played and play is equated with fun, can we say all the games we play are fun? Probably not. I don't like playing Catan. But it is a game.

Those who play baseball or basketball or volleyball or basically anything with a ball, are "playing" but are they experiencing the same joy they felt when playing with friends all day as a kid on a bike? Do you really think that playing golf is as fun as playing hopscotch?

I think we all take our play pretty seriously. We often play to win but if we lose, is the playtime less enjoyable? Is the act of playing play enough?

Placate me here.

I was recently talking to friends of mine who have young grandchildren. Their world rings with "play." You can't talk about kids without referencing playpens (an oxymoron), Play Dough, playmates, Pack 'n Play, playdates, a playhouse or simply playing outside.

Soon those small kids get a PlayStation or get their games from GooglePlay. They might eventually play word games on their phone or computer like Words With Friends or Wordle or Wordament. Are word games wordplay? I personally love wordplay. I have tried "math play" but, well, math doesn't always play well with others. Still I am not sure wordplay is really "play."

Do you find you only really "play" when you are on vacation? Perhaps at a Playa? If so, undoubtedly you will have to pay to play.

If so, that is a shame. Play is good for your soul. Laughter, a subset of play, is always the best medicine.

There are team players and playful people which, if you happen to be both of those things, is a double play. It's a triple play if your team wins and it's a home run if you had fun playing.

We should all be lucky enough to work at a job that feels like play. But, unfortunately, many of us simply work to play. I would call that a foul play. I invite you to play along with me playfully and get some playtime in. Play some music. Just go play!

Because, really, the play's the thing.


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