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Niwot Tavern holds winter gear drive

Tara Shaheen and Stacy Szydlek, owners of the Niwot Tavern, are hosting their third annual winter gear drive. They're accepting donations up until Christmas Eve and will distribute the items on Christmas Day.

In addition, the Niwot Tavern will be preparing 100 meatloaf meals, with the help of their supplier, U.S. Foods. Around 40 meals will be served at Roosevelt Park, where the winter gear will also be distributed. The rest of the meals and gear will be handed out to homeless people they find around the area.

Any leftovers will be donated the next day to the OUR Center in Longmont. The OUR Center is a community-based agency, where volunteers and church-goers provide culinary services, hospitality and child care, and financial literacy programs.

Some of the best items they have received so far include: 15 hand-sewn hats by an anonymous knitter and a continuous visitor who brings granola bars, socks, hats, and toothpaste.

With all the love and support from the community, there are still a few items that the winter gear drive is in desperate need of. They have plenty of coats and blankets, but they would be more than happy if someone brought in:

Hygiene items (floss, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, bar soap, nail clippers, wash cloths, etc.), menstrual products, and men's jeans and sweaters.

So if you're in the spirit of holiday giving, stop by the Niwot Tavern and help someone in need.


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