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Niwot High School's cross country squad excels at first invitational

As school begins again in full swing, so do the various fall sports, notably cross country. The Niwot High School cross country team recently geared up for the season's first invitational at Mountain Vista High School, a large Class 5A school in Highlands Ranch last Saturday, Aug. 24.

This event was the first real test of the team's rigorous summer training program, and the athletes were met with a hot, but manageable environment, as temperatures ranged from a high of 90º to a low of 84º throughout the day. The team did not disappoint.

The meet, with only fifteen schools participating, served as a way to view the NHS team's potential for the upcoming season. Despite the limited number of schools, the competition was fierce, particularly with the presence of a strong St. Vrain Valley contender, Erie High School.

Athletes participated in a straightforward two-mile race, with every available member of NHS's cross country team competing. Teams were categorized by grade level - freshmen and sophomores, juniors and seniors, and junior and senior varsity, each further divided by gender with separate races for boys and girls. The first race began at 8:30 a.m.

Niwot High School excelled in nearly every category. Most notably, Addison Ritzenhein with a remarkable first-place finish in the junior and senior girls varsity division, crossed the finish line with an impressive time of 11:07.

Quinn Sullivan secured a second-place finish in the freshman and sophomore boys division with a time of 10:02. Elise Hagen, took second place in the freshman and sophomore girls division with a time of 12:10. Cole Mazurana at 10:02, took a fourth-place finish in the junior and senior boys varsity division.

Although no official prizes were awarded to winning athletes, Niwot's cross country coach, Kelly Christensen, added a lighthearted element to the competition by awarding those placing in the top ten with candy. Christensen strives to balance hard work and fun with his cross country team.

With the success of this back-to-school invitational, the dominant legacy of NHS's cross country team continues to hold strong, with the potential for another stellar season.


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