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Boulder County reappoints Satir DeMarco to Design Review Committee

As an unincorporated community, Niwot relies on Boulder County for day-to-day governance, and the two appointed advisory boards that directly affect Niwot are the Niwot Local Improvement District (LID) Advisory Committee (NLIDAC), and the Niwot Design Review Committee.

The Niwot Design Review Committee is charged with reviewing development applications and proposed changes to properties in the Niwot Rural Community District I, which includes the Old Town business district. Some regulations apply to the entire district, while others apply only to the historic block of 2nd Avenue between Murray Street and Franklin Street, plus the Bader House.

Satir DeMarco currently serves on the Niwot Design Review Committee as the business representative. DeMarco, a realtor, is a long-time resident of 3rd Avenue, and serves on the board of directors of the Niwot Cultural Arts Association. Her term expires in February, but she was not term-limited and reapplied for the position. The commissioners reappointed DeMarco to the position on Feb. 6.

Burgundy Park resident Vicky Dorvee had also applied for the position on the Niwot Design Review Committee to serve as the business representative. Dorvee has been involved with the Left Hand Grange No. 9 in Niwot, and also serves on the board of directors of the Niwot Community Association. She has also been a writer for the Courier for many years, and recently organized the Bert Steele memorial bench project.

Three positions are open on the LID Advisory Committee due to terms which expire at the end of February. Mark Ruzzin of the Boulder County Commissioners’ office said, “The applicants for the three open NLIDAC seats are Cornelia Sawle, Heidi Storz, and Carla Hunter. Cornelia and Heidi are applying for their current seats on the committee, and Carla is applying for Lisa Rivard’s seat.”

Storz and Rivard currently serve as resident representatives on the LID committee, while Sawle is a business representative. Hunter resides in the Overbrook subdivision in Niwot. The LID makes recommendations to the Boulder County Commissioners concerning funding requests for projects which are deemed to benefit the Niwot business district. The LID collected over $290,000 in sales tax revenue in 2022, and similar results are expected for 2023 when December reports are finalized.


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