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Niwot High School Clubs - Spotlight on the NASA Club

Niwot High School is host to over 60 student-run clubs, and one stand-out is the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Club.

NASA Club meets every Monday under the supervision of Niwot High School teacher Erin Smith. NASA Club leader and founder, Amelia Koth, collects feedback from club members regarding goals for their next “observation night.” Koth then presents the feedback to the club members to determine the details of their upcoming observation nights.

In addition to “observation nights,” the NASA Club spends some Fridays at the Sommers-Bausch Observatory at the University of Colorado in Boulder researching and observing. Not only do they research there, club members also like to hear about others’ research. “Some of my club people really like to have presentations as well where they will show us their own research,” Koth said.

Koth has a passion for aeronautics, and that is the reason she started this club. “As I plan to do Aerospace Engineering and Aeronautics in college, I found that it’s really hard to be a woman in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). I wanted to make a club open for people of all types of knowledge on space stuff so we can all collaborate and come up with ideas and talk about really interesting stuff. There are other closed clubs at Niwot focused around space, and with not really diverse club members. We strongly welcome people from all grade groups and other faculty to be a part of this club and that’s why I wanted to make it. I believe science really isn’t that hard, it’s just about your drive to learn more every day.”

Everyone is welcome in the NASA Club. Grade level, degree of prior knowledge regarding aeronautics and space, and other diversifying factors do not matter. NASA Club is always on the lookout for new interested and engaged members.


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