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Let's Talk About ...Heat

Ok. It's been a cold winter. Really cold.

We all wake up to freezing cold houses, glance outside to see what snowfall occurred during the night, wondering if it will be a snow day and a treacherous drive to work. We make steaming cups of tea or coffee, check to be sure the faucet is still dripping and shuffle to the shower muttering, "It's freezing in here!"

For me, first things first. Turn up the thermostat.

As my family likes to remind me, "Mom, turning it up all the way doesn't get the house warmer faster." Maybe not, but I feel like it does.

Let me be honest, during the winter, I set the temperature in the house to 67 or 68 during the day and usually turn it off at night. By morning, the thermostat generally reads 58. Now, that's really cold. And even colder when you get out of the shower.

But when you are shivering in your worn-out slippers and the robe you bought to wear last summer for your trip to Arizona, all I can say is, "Crank it up!"

Then, don't you find when you get in the car and it's an icebox, you turn the heater up to full blast? My son, the science-guy, would tell you it doesn't matter if you set it for 70 or 90, it will get warm at the same pace.

Don't mess with my instincts. The higher you set it, the faster it gets warm.

Just like if you keep pushing the elevator call button, the elevator arrives quicker. It's a proven fact.


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