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Let's Talk About... New Year's Resolutions

Ok. First, Happy New Year to each of you! This time of year, that statement is often followed by, "Hey, have you made any New Year's resolutions?" Ouch.

Should I? Is that a requirement for simply turning a page in my calendar?

Most people are in one of two camps:

"Yes, I have made resolutions."


"No, I don't believe in that."

I fall somewhere in between. Certainly, the new year is a good time to take stock and make changes to ensure the "happy" part of the coming year.

Typically, I hear: "Yes, I am going to lose those ten Covid pounds," or, "I am giving up chocolate" (why, by the way?). Or I'm giving up caffeine or alcohol or I am going to work out more or get more organized or I am going to call my mother more often or get in touch with an old friend or I am going to make a new friend this year or I am going to talk less and listen more.

All great goals. But interestingly, those same resolutions are made year after year. By the same people. Aren't they resolved already?

My feeling is this: The word "resolution" has such gravity to it. Why set yourself up for failure? How about deciding on a few "guidelines" for the upcoming months. No shame in going slightly outside "guidelines." They are guidelines after all. Not a public proclamation for the world to then judge you when those 10 pounds don't come off or you eat a brownie. Adding guilt to my life is definitely not one of my resolutions (or guidelines).

I think the main resolution to be made is to be kind and gentle to yourself and make baby steps toward a better year. And maybe a better life.

I realize that some people like accountability. I prefer flexibility. Hopefully, whichever way we go, we all achieve what we hope for.


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