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Questions arise about future of Niwot Post Office

Amid staff shortages and unexpected closures, rumors have swirled around town that the Niwot branch of the U.S. Postal Service could be slated to close, as the 230-year-old agency undergoes major reform. In a 10-year plan released in May 2021, commissioner Louis DeJoy outlined steps to bring the financially troubled USPS back into profitability that include, among many, an effort to "consolidate low-traffic stations and branches." On March 8, that plan got a big boost with the U.S. Senate's passage of the US Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 along bi-partisan lines.

Fortunately for fans of local mail, those rumors appear to be just rumors, and the Niwot branch remains safe for now. In answer to a question about the future of the beloved 80544 station, James Boxrud, spokesperson for the Western Area of the USPS, replied, "I am not aware of any consolidation or plans to close the Niwot office."

Boxrud did acknowledge that the USPS has experienced staffing shortages at branches nationwide due to the ongoing pandemic, and that Niwot is no exception. He referred to the recent lunch closures as temporary, and said that the agency is "taking steps to keep that office operating on their regular schedule."

"The Postal Service is committed to providing the best possible service to our customers, and we apologize for any inconvenience that may have been experienced," he said. "... We will continue flexing our available resources, maximizing our local personnel, and augmenting from other locations around the state to help with the workload. We are proud of the efforts of postal employees in the Niwot area and the nation, as they define essential public service every day."

Boxrud's comments confirm what postal sources a little closer to Niwot have said, though they deferred the official word on the matter to Boxrud.

Boxrud urged any customers who have been impacted by the temporary service changes to contact someone at the branch, or use the "Contact Us" button at to submit any concerns. He also noted that Longmont and other local branches are currently hiring. For more information, go to


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