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Familiar Face - Kristina Burgoon

Series: Familiar Faces | Story 24

Kristina Burgoon is the warm welcoming face at The Niwot Inn & Spa and she's also the face of Niwot through her creativity as the social media coordinator for the Niwot Business Association. The Courier reached out to discover a bit about Burgoon's history and her current life.

Left Hand Valley Courier (LHVC) - Where did you grow up and what brought you to the area?

Kristina Burgoon (KB) - I was born in Orange, California, and lived there until I was 10-years old. My family moved to Flemington, New Jersey in 2003 and I lived there for the next 17 years. In 2020 my boyfriend and I moved to Colorado. Nothing brought us here in particular...we just both loved the active, outdoorsy lifestyle in Colorado and decided to make the move.

LHVC - Did you go to school after high school?

KB - I went to Ramapo College of New Jersey and got my degree in business administration-marketing. I had a bit of a windy road after that and ended up in a bunch of odd jobs unrelated to my degree. I even became a certified Phlebotomist at one point.

LHVC – How did Niwot become the center of your work life?

KB - During a drive around the local areas, I drove past The Niwot Inn & Spa and thought, "That's exactly the place I want to work." So I walked in and asked if they were hiring. They were, and I got the job as an innkeeper. I also took on the role of managing the inn's social media.

Not long after that I met the incredible Deb Fowler, who set me up with more social media management work that eventually led to me taking on the role of social media coordinator for the Niwot Business Association.

I am currently the assistant manager at the Inn and I'm very proud to hold that title. Working at the Inn has been the best job I've ever had. Carissa and Cornelia are great people to work for. I always look forward to coming to work - it feels like a second home.

LHVC - Tell us about your family and the significant people in your life.

KB - I'm so lucky to have an incredible support system in my life. My family and I have always been very close. My parents still live in New Jersey, but my brother and sister-in-law recently moved to Colorado. It's been so great having them so close and being able to see them all the time.

I have a wonderful partner in my boyfriend, Ian. He's the most incredible man and always challenges me to be the best version of myself.

I have a great support system of inspiring women, both back home and in Colorado, that I'm lucky to call my friends!

LHVC - Has COVID had an impact on your life?

KB - Absolutely. We moved here in February 2020. We thought we were about to have so many Colorado adventures and start our new lives right away...Then the month after we moved here everything shut down and we weren't really able to explore and enjoy our new state.

LHVC - What parts of your life are the most rewarding and challenging?

KB - The part of my life that has recently been the most challenging is integrating my new social media business, Studio Kyanite, with my existing job and life. I can be a bit of a procrastinator, so sometimes I find myself not managing my time too well. But I'm working every day to invest in myself and my business so I achieve the best balance.

It has been so rewarding, however, having my own very small business. This is something I never would have started for myself for fear of failure or imposter-syndrome. But my incredible partner, Ian, helped me overcome those fears and bring Studio Kyanite to reality.

LHVC - What pastimes bring you joy?

KB - I have recently become obsessed with Pilates. I go to Club Pilates in Longmont and it's one of the best parts of my day. It makes me feel so healthy and strong.

I also love getting outside at least once a day. I go on a daily two-to-three mile walk and try to incorporate more intense hikes when I have more time to spare.

I also enjoy reading. That's definitely the hobby I tend to neglect the most, but when a good book hooks me that is all I can think about until I finish it.

LHVC – In what ways do you connect with the community?

KB - Being the social media coordinator for the town I pretty much attend every event happening around here. I try to make it to every event I can and get coverage for everything happening during the event. It's been a wonderful experience being so active in town and connecting with the amazing folks that keep Niwot such an interesting and fun place.

LHVC - What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

KB - For being a social media coordinator, I'm actually not that social. I get a bit of social anxiety and interacting with new people can make me pretty nervous. Maybe that's why I take on the role of recording/documenting social events instead of fully participating? Maybe there's some introspection I should consider there.


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