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Student-Athlete of the Week: Joaquin Herrera

Series: Student-Athlete of the Week | Story 60

When Joaquin Herrera enrolls at Adams State University in August, he will become the first student in his family to attend college, a goal that seemed out of reach when he entered high school. But late in his freshman year, the affable Herrera made a decision that seemed straightforward at the time, but would end up having life-changing ramifications.

"I played soccer in the fall, and then during the spring, I went out for track just to get faster, and just to sprint," he said.

As it turned out, Herrera never ran in a sprint event, nor did he return to the soccer team. But he did get faster. Over the next three years, Herrera would go on to become one of Niwot's top distance runners, and a key member of the 2019 and 2020 state championship cross country teams. He is currently running the mid- and long-distance events for Niwot varsity track, and hopes to help bring home one last state title during his high school career.

"He went from a soccer kid to a running star," Niwot distance coach Kelly Christensen said of Herrera's success. "He ended up committing, and going year round, and just being really the best teammate."

By his own account, Herrera's journey from would-be soccer standout to college-bound runner was neither quick nor painless. His first year of cross country was especially difficult, and he had to be talked out of quitting the team more than once.

"I told him three times, 'Coach, I'm done. I'm sorry. Thank you.' I even sent him a letter once, just saying, 'Thanks, but I really don't want to do this'."

But Christensen wouldn't hear of it. Not only was Herrera too valuable to the team, the coach knew that the then-sophomore had the potential to go far in the sport if he was willing to put in the work. So Christensen turned on his powers of persuasion and convinced Herrera to stick around.

"I just gave him that hope that if he wanted to be good, he could," Christensen recalled. "Luckily, we had some fast races at the right time, and we took them to Arizona, and he fell in love with it."

Herrera became a true believer himself after he earned a spot on the varsity cross country team as a junior, and then went on to compete for the team in back-to-back state title seasons. Last fall, Christensen started talking to Herrera about applying to Adams State, a school with both academic and athletic endeavors well-suited to his talents and background.

"With Adams, knowing that they're a Hispanic serving college, and that they have those opportunities and funds for first generation students, and Damon Martin's one of the best coaches in the nation, if not world, so to me, it made perfect sense to give them a call," Christensen said.

For his part, Herrera is thrilled to be joining Adams' elite cross country program, which has won 25 NCAA Division II national championships since 1971. He is hoping to make the traveling team as a freshman, and help them win their 26th.

As for academics, Christensen said Herrera has shown as much improvement in the classroom as he has on the track during the past two years, and was carrying a 3.8 GPA coming into his senior year. He has especially enjoyed his physics and literacy classes, and counts Mrs. Longo as his favorite teacher. At Adams, Herrera plans to study education and psychology, and then go on to a career in teaching, something the friendly senior is especially well-suited for, according to his coach.

"His emotional maturity is years ahead of other people," Christensen said. "He's very empathetic and kind and reaches out to the kids who are having bad days or bad weeks, and he's kind of that shoulder that he lets them lean on."

But more than anything, Herrera is excited about what going to Adams means to his immigrant parents and three younger brothers.

"They're beyond excited, especially because we don't have to pay much money at all," Herrera said. "They're excited that I'm setting a good example, and my mom tells me that she's proud of me all the time."


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